Infant Massage (temporarily paused)

Infant Massage is a wonderful way to support your baby's health and well-being while also enhancing your relationship!

In this 5 class series, you will learn how to give your baby a full body massage, including specific strokes to help with difficulties such as colic and constipation. Emphasis will be on infant communication to help you develop confidence in your ability to interpret your baby's unique cues.

Benefits of the IAIM Infant Massage Program

The IAIM Program has been recognized as an important tool to promote bonding/attachment between parents and their infant.

Other benefits include:


Infant massage may influence relaxation, which can be demonstrated by:

  • Reduced levels of stress hormones (such as adrenalin and cortisol)
  • Increased levels of calming hormones (such as oxytocin)
  • Regulation of behavioural states
  • Improved ability to calm oneself (self regulation/self-soothing)
  • Increased environmental coping mechanisms
  • Improved sleep patterns
  • Reduced crying


  • All major systems: circulatory, digestive, hormonal, immune, lymphatic, respiratory systems as well as nervous system (brain development), proprioceptive (position and motion) and vestibular (coordination and balance)
  • Language development and learning ability
  • Skin receptors that trigger the release of neurotransmitters (oxytocin) that affect brain development
  • Sensory integration and connections between neurons
  • Myelin formation
  • Muscular development and tone
  • Mind/body awareness and all senses
  • Growth/weight gain


Infant massage may help to reduce:

  • Pain (such as gas or colic), constipation/elimination, gastrointestinal (digestive) cramps
  • Discomfort, such as growing pains, muscular tensions, teething discomfort
  • Excess mucus and congestion
  • Physical and emotional tensions
  • Sensitivity to touch
  • Skin disorders
  • Excessive crying


Infant massage provides nurturing touch and communication, which may help to promote:

  • Infant massage provides nurturing touch and communication, which may help to promote:
  • Bonding and secure attachment
  • Enjoyable one-to-one quality time
  • Early contact and undivided attention for both parents
  • Feeling loved, respected, safe
  • Trust, empathy and the development of self-esteem
  • Feeling of togetherness and belonging
  • Imitation, pre-language, verbal/nonverbal communication  

Infant Massage is a fantastic way for non-breast/chestfeeding parents to nurture a loving connection with their baby!

The Infant Massage Program was developed by the International Association of Infant Massage (IAIM) more than 30 years ago.

The IAIM Program is evidence-based and the principles are supported by many professional organizations and world authorities.

What You Will Learn

In addition to learning over 50 massage strokes you will gain a better understanding of babies behavioural states, reflexes and how to read infant cues.

Each class will also include a discussion topic to foster community connection.

Did you know that in many cultures, the practice of massaging babies is an ancient tradition passed down from generation to generation?

About the Program

The IAIM Program will consist of five - one hour classes (once a week for five weeks) with a Certified Infant Massage Instructor. Parents will be given a hand out of the massage strokes to practice at home in between sessions.

Classes will take place in an intimate setting and class sizes will be restricted to ensure each family’s needs are attended to.

The role of your Certified Infant Massage Instructor is to facilitate and help enhance the loving relationship between infant and parents. Infant massage, as taught according to the IAIM Program, is an ideal medium because it naturally encompasses the elements of the bonding process.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Who is an infant or a baby?

An infant or a baby is from newborn up to the age of one year.

Who is a parent?

In the IAIM mission statement, parents include birth, foster and adoptive parents.

Who is a caregiver?

A caregiver is someone who is not the child’s parent, but who provides care for a child.

Who can attend our classes?

The IAIM program is designed for parents and infants, therefore parents or acting parents with their babies can participate in infant massage classes. The IAIM program’s goal is to enhance bonding between the giver and receiver of the massage, therefore it is not appropriate for a caregiver other than a parent to attend classes as our mission is to promote bonding between parents and their children. Caregivers may offer nurturing touch instead.

What if I miss a class?

Don’t worry, we will always review previous strokes in each class so you will not miss out on any strokes.

Can more than one parent attend?

Absolutely! Both parents are welcome to attend, but we ask that only one parent be designated as the “massager” for each class. In fact, we encourage non breast/chestfeeding parents to do the massaging to foster connection and attachment!

Inquire here to learn about our 2023 programs.

New Sessions

Beginning January 



Jan 16 - Feb 13 


Feb 27 - Mar 26


To register for our October session, please fill out the form below